magnolia joy: a birth story
On December 18th I went to my OB check in for magnolia and I was 4cm dilated and 85% effaced. She said we should go ahead and do a membrane sweep to see if my body and baby are ready to come.
She did it, it took seconds and to me felt just like the checks she had been doing. I went about my day as normal. On December 19th in the morning I had some light contractions but mom and I decided to go to anthropology with the kids to take back a couple things. I was feeling good and nothing consistent. When we got to anthro, around 12pm, as I walked and looked around I started to feel more and more like maybe it was happening but who really ever knows.
An hour later still at anthro, Eden peed all over the dressing room so I’m walking to old navy holding Bubs now pretty sure I’m having contractions. I bought Eden a outfit and went back to anthro to get her changed. I fed Bubs as mom changed her and we headed to the car. I started timing as mom was finishing what she was doing inside. Consistent and 6 min apart, still feeling good.
We decided to go to chick fil la because Eden and I were in the mood for a milkshake. All was still about 5 to 6 minutes apart as I drove towards the house and let mom run into the little market by our house. I text tim that we would probably be good to wait for him to come home normal time. the contractions dropped from 5 minutes 40 seconds apart to 3 minutes apart instantly. So I text tim to come home and called mom to check out.
We went home, I made sure my bags were packed and the kids were set with mom and headed to the hospital after tim got home.
We checked in to the hospital about 3ish; they checked me and I was about 5-6cm dilated so we got moved to the delivery room. We set up the diffuser, got a playlist going, and just kind of stood around because sitting was no good for me. Tim held my hand, prayed with me, did some pressure point message, and read some psalms as I labored pretty smoothly. About 5:30 the contractions felt very strong, my lower back was really hurting so the nurse instructed me to lay on my side with the peanut ball in between my legs for awhile to rest and take some tension away from my back. That helped soooo much.
By 6:30 I felt a lot of pain and the urge to push. They said I was a 8-9cm and not to push yet. They called our doctor and she came got everything set up and broke my water. They had me lay on each side for 2 contractions to let magnolia come down the rest of the way. After that I sat up to see if gravity would help but That didn’t feel right so after 2 contractions we moved to on my back with my knees up. 3 contractions later magnolia was here at 7:54 p.m.
our first thoughts were of how light she looked, that she had a tooth, and how she looked bigger than eden. in some ways we were expecting for her to look so much like eden. she was beautiful, snuggly, and we were overjoyed to have her here in time for Christmas.
I had a scheduled csection for 41wks and 1day after her due date just because Eden was a cesarean there was some risk of going too far over with magnolia. My doctor was very supportive of both my desire to VBAC and my desire to have a non-medicated birth. My desire was two fold, I did want to experience a natural birth but also didn’t want to recover from a major surgery with a newborn, 5 month old, and toddler. I gave this to the Lord and honestly kept my hands open. He was merciful to answer as he did. She came safely on her due date which was so special for us because her due date was also my granny swans birthday.
we are smitten and daily thankful for the contentment, rest, and joy that has come with the life of Magnolia Joy Michiemo.