laughable thoughts on two lives becoming one
In the process of joining our lives we are learning to make room for the things that will make our home and our lives shared. I want Tim to be just as at home in our house as I am. This may seem like a small thing but Tim and I have had quite the laughter over how particular he is and how free spirited I am when it comes to home.
It’s funny how he gets so used to things being a certain way. His room at home (in New Jersey) looks like a very close replica to his room here in Texas. The furniture is similar, the placing of the little Knick-knack’s. It’s funny because I am completely different; I like to shift things around regularly, get rid of things and add new things. Once I have gotten used to something, I need a change.
Every person is particular about certain things, especially if you have a picture in your head. I picture maps, cow rugs, trunks, big mirrors, and blankets; lots of seating and comfy pillows. Tim is like “do whatever you want but please not a lot of pillows.” But he is particular about where the placing of things should be, and how his books will be arranged.
It’s the little things like that that can drive you crazy or make you laugh. You can decide it’s too much or that it’s not worth your frustration. Here are some things I have thought through this week;
Pick your battles
practical example, Tim needs drawers on his desk. Needs is the key word, he was worried about where his stapler will go if there is no drawer. When he gets so particular I have a choice to let that bother me or choose to laugh at it. If he needs drawer… alright! We are getting drawers.
Some things you can get used to
I LOVE pillows, my family is crazy about pillows. There are so many on our couch that you can’t sit down without moving them…. Most of our beds have so many pillows it’s simpler to never make your bed. I am used to having tons of pillows, but don’t need them. I can get used to having a normal amount of pillows.
I threw out the gold pillow that he hated, and he has agreed to not hang a flag over our bed.
He gets rid of his furniture, and I will get rid of some of mine.
I know that these are funny and simple things but I am happy to be practicing now; before we are married, before we have those HUGE decisions to make. Its working together in the everyday things that makes you ready for the bigger ones that are to come.